Saturday, March 17, 2012

A little bit of interest...

As I sit at my desk (functioning purely on 3 hours of Saturday morning sleep and 2 cups of coffee FOR THE DAY), I have to be excited about the 2 or so arrivals of new stock components... and the new stock thats being made!

...the excitement might also include the fact that I finally got a new mouse for my notebook. Its red and shiny.

But besides that.
I will be working on putting together stock that can be repeated, even if not EXACTLY, it'll still all be made/put together/broken/recreated by me or Wonder Struck Inc friends.
But for March (and our Wyetti market this month) we still have stacks and stacks of OOAK (one of a kind) pieces in stock.

Resin unicorn cameo in resin setting, with 2 dyed agate beads on chain - necklace

We are swimming in cameo necklaces right now (crushing so hard on it all) and... ribbon hairclips!
Oh yes... we were hairclip mad about a year ago, but stopped making when market people showed no interest, but recently we've just been swamped with queries for our hairclips. So I've knuckled down today and made 8 pairs of totally new OOAK hair clips.

Rhinestone key pendant and dyed agate - necklace

Also, just ordered some more pocket watches! I did a test order on one and I've been arguing with myself about taking it for me! how awesome it is.
With this slow set of changes I'm making for Wonder Struck Inc, I hope you'll enjoy what is in store ;)

Pocket watches now in stock. 3cm diameter.
Matching silver chain, as either a necklace or traditional pocket chain - R130 (in South Africa excluding postage)

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