Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More! ...

Despite being full of flu and trying to fight through with a whole list of meds taken at intervals and a huge flask of hot black tea...
I've also been doing loads of work on Wonder Struck Inc today. LOTS OF WORK
We have THREE, yes THREE, collaborations lined up.
The first being Squareheads, which I've been mentioning for almost a year now (yup, we're still working on it!)
then I have a full on Wonder Struck Inc project set coming up with Maruchka (for shirts) and then with a very special vinyl toy arteest for some geeky girl jewellery (very excited about it.)
Then... I've just spent a small fortune ordering more stock components online right now for more Wonder Struck awesome.

Though we had a FANTASTICAL sales day at Wyetti this last Saturday, and we have our usual monthly night market coming up on the 8th of June at Henley Arms, we're planning a cleaning out sale throughout our Etsy shop and via our direct sales (through here on our blog, on our Facebook, on our Twitter or via our email).
The sale will run from 10 June 2012 till 24 June 2012, and will be 35% off all our stock.

Keep your eyes on our blog and twitter for the code that you will HAVE to use in order to qualify for the discount, even if you're not on Etsy and are ordering from us through other electronic means.

Thanks for peeking in ;)
Hope you're having a good, flu-free week so far *hugs&kisses*

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What a day!

I have to first express my complete appreciation and gratitude for a truly great day!

Wonder Struck sales were so good today, new and regular customers alike supported us in full force at the Wyetti Market, in Henley today.
So thank you! thank you! thank you!

And despite sitting infront of the notebook, with a heater blazing to warm up a very cold room, and an onset of apparent sickness.... I'm here working, on the blog, on Etsy specials (discounts galore! coming up) and on new products.
On a Saturday night!


While our internet provider's signal hassles have been hassling Wonder Struck and many others, we've slipped through to continue working on new projects.
Alone I am limited in my creativity, but working with others I get to work with people who have different tastes and styles, and we get to put it altogether into something unique and awesome.
So that's part of the direction I seem to be pushing Wonder Struck Inc. for.
As complex and interestingly layered as we are, we should embrace all the little parts of ourselves, like being geeky over vinyl toys, comic books and slipping Tracy Chapman tracks into my death metal playlists (haha), nerdy t-shirts and kind of understanding the 'embrace' of International Towel Day.

These are just some of the flavours I've always wanted Wonder Struck Inc. to express... and it will!
Come along for the ride ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dancing... in the rain.

Well... it feels like forever since I've updated. Probably because of how much has been done since the last update!

A *complete* stock count has been completed. Pricelists and accounts updated.
We have a snazzy photographer playing with the stock and... we've still got another 12 days before our next market.

Also...the work on the logo is just going so well! I can hardly wait for it all to be finalised!

John and I have also made some progress on Squareheads stuff... which you'll have to check on the blog for ;)

But that's all for today's blog post...
My favourite sond ending for today's post is "Vicious Circle" by Aaron Lewis.
Until another post :)
Have a great 86400 seconds today!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Its not often that Johannesburg Central inspires me to motivation. But gah!
Its such a gorgeous day... I can hardly help it.
I've been "spring cleaning" the last few days. Still got alot of work to get through, but at least all the pricing has been sorted and a stock count done.
I'm also in the process of designing a light box (which I've needed for a good year by now) and so that I can do listings whenever!
With new logo work, new ideas and designs... I think a holiday will soon be in order...
But until then!
Maruchka and I are getting closer and closer to our new T-shirt collaboration seeing daylight.
Our first design is almost finalised.
(I'm loading a pic of our scribble)

To our newcomers on Facebook and Twitter, thanks for joining!
To the peeker inners, thanks for staying!
And to our buyers, thanks for the support!
Until we blog again ;)

Friday, May 4, 2012

This Madness is for you...

Its May.
April's public holiday frenzy has subsided and we're hitting the grindstones once again.
Well... Wonder Struck Inc has had some good and some bad on the sales front over April, but money is still tight.
My Squareheads partner, John, is feeling it too. But we are still doing what we can to get Squareheads merch going, just keep an eye on the blog for news ;)
In the meantime...
Maruchka, the brilliant little nutter that will be modelling Wonder Struck Inc and Squareheads merch, also has a creative side of her own, a side that we will be showing off in expanding Wonder Struck Inc stock.
Our first T-shirt design collab with talented little Maruchka is officially in the works!
We talked, we decided....and yesterday was my first glimpse at what will be our first official design for shirts.
Wonder Struck Inc will be making these new products available at local markets and on Bigcartel.
We *will not* be putting this on the Etsy store, because the shirts will not be hand screenprinted by us (we do not have space at the moment to do this ourselves).
We'll load the stock as they become available.
The first run of shirts will be limited to a very small quantity, but as we go along, more stock will become available.
Then for the handmade stuff...
We will continue with our handmade jewellery and crochet items which are available not only on the Etsy store, but at local markets and from our Facebook page.
Before I sign off, for our Etsy buyers, thank you so much for the support and feedback you have given us over April.
It is greatly appreciated!
And with that!