Out and About

Wonder Struck Inc. is just about that... being bewildered and blissed in creativity, your own, and that of others.

Wonder Struck Inc. was originally borne (under another name) 4 plus years ago, and has since been my craft school, where I learn and grow everyday. Where I create and make, break and rebuild things that people can wear and use.

If I'm not blogging, or on Facebook, I'm usually on Twitter, giving you the rundown of the latest happenings (relevant to Wonder Struck Inc. of course).

During 2014 we will be joining Heatherlyn (The Journeyman) under a collective market name ~ "WANDERLAND".
We'll be travelling around to several markets during the year, so keep your eyes for details, links, addresses, times... all up on our social networking.

Or you can just contact us on ~ wonderstruckincza@gmail.com

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