Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mr Bojangles dance...

Its Saturday, the Autumn weather is perfect with a bit of a breeze blowing.

We arrived at Wyetti Market pretty early... earlier than we usually do ;)
And its been buzzing! ...with window shoppers.
But we're having a blast. The new setup is working LOADS better too.
Thanks to my awesome stepmum for the new bangle display.

We'll see how tonight's merch table goes, we really do have more than enough stock!
Wes (my awesome Henley guy and Heatherlynn's son) will be assisting at the Wonder Struck stall.

Onward to Saturday!
Have a fantastic one wherever you are right now.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Somethings new...

Much like life and the best life experiences, as a crafter you're always learning something new or sharing what you know.

I have recently learnt a new type of braiding that I've used for bracelets!
(See photos on this post)
So I'm very happy to say we have new stock available and if you'd like to order in specific sizes or colours feel free to message me:

These bracelets are made with wax chord, silk chord or leather straps.

Hope you like :)


Sunday, April 22, 2012

New views...

Well Happy Sunday readers!

Its a post rain day here in the Vaal and wow, this weather! I could very well have my laziest day planned out.
Blanket on the grass, under a tree, surrounded by puppymonsters and a vintage print Alice In Wonderland in hardcover in my hand!

But before all of that.

This Saturday (despite it being a long weekend), we have one of them "hectic market days" coming at us.
We'll be at Wyetti from 9am to 3pm...then! 200 people are gathering on a farm to watch bands late into the night and we'll be there with a merch table setup.
I'll be confirming those details tomorrow but I'm so chuffed people go out of their way to invite Wonder Struck Inc to take part in these things.

I've also been *trying* to get some items made that I can duplicate as I'll be trying to get us into retail establishments. *holds thumbs*
But we'll always stay handmade!

I have *some* clarity on my move...
I stopped by what will soon be Wonder Struck Inc headquarters yesterday and... well, there's so much work to do on the place.
We have the house being cleaned right now, then the painting starts in the next couple of weeks, then a whole new kitchen installation is happening (I still cannot believe what the previous tenants did to the place).
Then there's tiling, carport and fences to erect. Security installation, door and window to the as yet undefined backyard....
So yes. In short, the move probably won't even be happening by end of June.
We hold out hope though.

So until then, Wonder Struck Inc will be operating as per usual.
Hope you'll continue to read, to buy, to support.

We'd appreciate if you tweeted/pinned/facebooked our items on Etsy ;)

Until the next entry. Head on to a gorgeous fulfilling Sunday!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Post market madness...

Well, another night market at the Henley Arms has come and gone.
Thanks to those that came out! even my Squareheads partner came out to give moral support (from the balcony with a draft in hand) ;)

Now... before our next market, being at Wyetti on the last Saturday of this month, we're give you guys a FREE SHIPPING code to use on our Etsy :  SHIPOFF
If you don't use the code you won't get the free shipping ! when checking out your order, there is a box that is specifically for any active codes to be typed into (in that shop obviously). This is where you'll type this code in.
Please remember that the code will only be active till 30 April.
It won't be active on the 1st of May, South African time.
* this code is active RIGHT NOW *

New stock planning is also happening.
As I wait on new stock components to *hopefully* arrive and as I try fit in Wonder Struck Inc work between my day job. Gah! the rat race!

 And with that... have a great Saturday night/Sunday morning, where ever you are.

*hugs and all that squishy stuff*

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Here or there...

Work, work, work...
Though the fact that we are lucky enough to have work...should leave us breathless with appreciation.

Been spending the last couple weeks slowly adding new listings onto the Etsy store and the views/feedback has been so loved.
Thank you!
I've got alot more to add, but there's also the monthly night market at Henley Arms happening on Friday so I'll wait till that's over before adding anything new.
There is, however, a wonder I have lingering...with the *possibility* of my move to my new little home happening end of April.
To have a huge clearance sale...or not.
I'm talking 40 or 50% off kind of sale.
Will have to do sums and things before deciding. And there's always the unsurety of peoples' participation in the buying part.

I am however very excited with designing a work space for Wonder Struck Inc and I'm excited about crafting it messy!
The renovations (a new door and window to the as yet unenclosed backyard being one of the projects) haven't even started.
So I'm a little scared about expecting a "move in" date... hold thumbs and spit out wishes!

In the meantime...
Maruchka, our lovely friendy, who has also agreed to being Wonder Struck and Squareheads' also a budding graphic designer who is working with me on a still very secret Wonder Struck project which we hope to reveal soon. Yippeeeee!

Till then.
Welcome home Autumn... 

Friday, April 6, 2012

On Good Friday

Firstly... * HAPPY EASTER *
It's Good Friday, Wonder Struck Inc. just got back from church...and feeling positive in this gorgeous weather today!

I also...slammed my finger into my car door as I got back home...
I'm typing with a blue and ego busting finger on my writing hand and regretting going to my parents for comfort... I was subjected to the pain of ice packs and finger wigglings to "check if it's broken"........sigh

Other than that....also stopped off at what will soon be the little housey I'll be living in and where Wonder Struck Inc. will be based.
A real life office and work space will be made!
There's some work that needs to be done on the place, so I don't have an ETA as yet. Holding thumbs (as best I can) that it all happens for the end of April.

With that... I'm sending you all off with best wishes for your Easter weekend (if you celebrate Easter)...otherwise have some well deserved time off.
We've got 4 days off to enjoy puppymonster cuddles, horsebeast demands and sushikid excitement, all while slipping some book reading, photo editing, new listing activity, inbetween.

Come back safe and soon ;)